Now 📝

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I'm implementing new pages like now(which you are reading at the moment) and a blog structure. I'm also refactoring CSS classes to use Tailwind and daisyUI. I learned a lot about Svelte, SvelteKit in this journey.

I have a lot of ideas for the blog and this portfolio, but I'm still thinking about the best way to implement them. I like to create new pages like About me, Projects, Contact. I'll write about my thoughts on the blog, so stay tuned! I believe in taking things one step at a time and improving each day, even if it's just 1%—whether that's reading a few pages of a book, spending 15 minutes on learning, or building something new. Also I lik to create a lot of interactive elements using Three.js and Svelte. Let's see what I can do with it in the future.

I inspired this page by my friends portfolio, take a look at his website at Alimo.